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[RCZ]⋙ Read Free Windows Heather Eyles 9781511716451 Books

Windows Heather Eyles 9781511716451 Books

Download As PDF : Windows Heather Eyles 9781511716451 Books

Download PDF Windows Heather Eyles 9781511716451 Books

Now you see it. Now you don't. What do we know of the lives of others? The truth is slippery. Elusive. From her London flat Hilary gazes across the gardens at the windows of a very special woman. Behind those windows will be enacted a drama that sears her life and that of others she is close to. Now you see it, now you don't. Physical. Mental. Spiritual. Sexual. In 'Windows' Heather Eyles has shown us how we survive grief. And how we find healing.

Windows Heather Eyles 9781511716451 Books

This story was compelling, although it was not always comfortable. It includes love, betrayal, and loss. I appreciated the ending and found it fitting. I love the last line, "...none of us can live only by the light of reflected glory."

Product details

  • Paperback 202 pages
  • Publisher CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (April 20, 2015)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 9781511716451
  • ISBN-13 978-1511716451
  • ASIN 1511716452

Read Windows Heather Eyles 9781511716451 Books

Tags : Windows [Heather Eyles] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Now you see it. Now you don't. What do we know of the lives of others? The truth is slippery. Elusive. From her London flat Hilary gazes across the gardens at the windows of a very special woman. Behind those windows will be enacted a drama that sears her life and that of others she is close to. Now you see it,Heather Eyles,Windows,CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1511716452,General,Literary Collections,Literary Collections General,Literature - Classics Criticism,Literature: Classics
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Windows Heather Eyles 9781511716451 Books Reviews

Fascinating story with twists and turns that keeps you wanting to read more. Hard to put down. Wonderful character development. Caution Not for the younger reader.
very interesting book~ Heather kept me in suspense
knowing her as I do.. she has a keen way with words... keep the awesome work up!!!
There's a very British sensibility to the book, both in those who can display emotions and those who can't acknowledge them. While Ms. Eyles' earlier books may have been for children, to echo another reviewer, this one emphatically is not. She is exploring very adult themes, most especially the extreme gamut of the way adults deal with the devastation of grief, and love, both in and out of committed relationships. I'll be thinking about the book for a long time. Every character shows their burdens in different ways, as the writer says "We do not choose our chains."
I very much enjoyed this story. It made me remember a time in my life when I was looking for meaning. Thank you Heather.
A compelling, raw novel that I could not put down. Interesting juxtaposition of faith and unbelief. Not for those with delicate sensibilities.
I loved Windows. It was easy to read and kept me guessing as to what would happen next. I hated that it ended because I was enjoying reading it so much. I would recommend it to any adult. I hope Heather writes more adult books.
This was thoughtful, yet sad, and truly a creative celebration of life. Dealing with grief and the ramifications of someone passing away in the prime of life is not an easy subject and a book that I wanted to put down but couldn't ... it is a haunting novel that will be with me for a long time to come.
This story was compelling, although it was not always comfortable. It includes love, betrayal, and loss. I appreciated the ending and found it fitting. I love the last line, "...none of us can live only by the light of reflected glory."
Ebook PDF Windows Heather Eyles 9781511716451 Books

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